
const errors = require('@feathersjs/errors');
const {NotFound} = require('@feathersjs/errors');

// If you were to create an error yourself.
const notFound = new errors.NotFound('User does not exist');

// You can wrap existing errors
const existing = new errors.GeneralError(new Error('I exist'));

// You can also pass additional data
const data = new errors.BadRequest('Invalid email', {
  email: ''

// You can also pass additional data without a message
const dataWithoutMessage = new errors.BadRequest({
  email: ''
});// If you were to create an error yourself.
const notFound = new errors.NotFound('User does not exist');

// You can wrap existing errors
const existing = new errors.GeneralError(new Error('I exist'));

// You can also pass additional data
const data = new errors.BadRequest('Invalid email', {
  email: ''

// You can also pass additional data without a message
const dataWithoutMessage = new errors.BadRequest({
  email: ''

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