Field configuration
Inside your validators files, each field can get a dashboard configuration
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Inside your validators files, each field can get a dashboard configuration
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label - string Change the label of the document input and the table title
hide - boolean When is true the field won't be display in the table and the document
allowNull - boolean This will allow null in the client validator
displayKey - string Relevant to the reference field, the field to display instead of the _id
list - object configuration that relevant only to the table
hide - boolean When is true the field won't be display in the table
label - string Change the label of the document input and the table title
width - number Table column width
type - enums can be one of: ['link']
link -when equal to link, the field will be render inside {value}
imageView - to display value inside an <img />
options - same as doc options, use it when you want to display a human text
dateFormat - pass a moment formatter to your date field
forceLtr - boolean - relevnat to mobile fields with + at first charter
doc - object configuration that relevant only to the document
hide - boolean When is true the field won't be display in the document
hideOnCreate - boolean When is true the field won't be display when you create a new document
hideOnCreate - boolean
When is true the field won't be display when you edit a document
inputProps - stringify object - JSON.stringify({}) Props to pass the input
helpText: input help text
inputType - enum can be one of: ['file','boxSelect','textArea']
file - Use to render file upload input
boxSelect - Use only on array fields to render boxes with multi select
textArea - Use only on string field to render TextArea input
timePicker - unse on Date fields
imageView - To display image when the ref is to file collection with a file field or when field value is url string
options - array Use on array of string fields, to render multi select drop down
initialValue - any The input initial value on creating a new document
readOnly - boolean When true the field will be in disabled mode
All the options:
Meta on object
We can't pass dashboard in the meta of an object, this is wrong:
The solution is to pass a meta by the child, like this:
Example of use: