Create a new Service with casl&Dashboard

1 - Create new service

 feathers generate service
   ? What kind of service is it? Mongoose
   ? What is the name of the service? posts
   ? Which path should the service be registered on? /posts
   ? Does the service require authentication? Yes    

2. Create Validator file

inside your new service folder create new file - [YOUR_SERVICE_NAME].validators.js

const {Joi} = require('feathers-mongoose-casl');

const getJoiObject = function(withRequired){
  const required = withRequired ? 'required' : 'optional';
  return Joi.object({
    author: Joi.objectId().meta({
      type: 'ObjectId',
      ref: 'users',
      displayKey: 'email'
    title: Joi.string().min(5)[required]().meta({
      dashboard: {
        label: 'Post title',
        inputProps: JSON.stringify({style: {background: 'red'}})
    body: Joi.string()[required](),
    rating: Joi.number().max(5).meta({
      dashboard: {
        hideOnUpdate: true,
        hideOnCreate: true,
    image: Joi.objectId().meta({
      type: 'ObjectId',
      ref: 'files',
      displayKey: 'name'

module.exports = getJoiObject;

3. Update Posts model

To connect the joi validator we use createModelFromJoi,

in this way we can validation the Mongoose models without the hassle of maintaining two schemas.

open src > models > posts.models.js

// posts-model.js - A mongoose model
// See
// for more of what you can do here.

const validator = require('./posts.validators.js');
const {createModelFromJoi} = require('feathers-mongoose-casl');

module.exports = function (app) {
  return createModelFromJoi(app, 'posts', validator);

You can still use a Mongoose schema

4. Define abilities and config dashboard

open src > services > posts > posts.service.js

    const options = {
    serviceRules: [
      {'actions': ['read'], 'anonymousUser': true, fields: ['title']},
      {'actions': ['create','read','update'], 'conditions': { 'author': '{{ user._id }}' }},
      { 'actions': ['manage'], 'roles': ['admin']},
    dashboardConfig: {
      sideBarIconName: 'table',
      i18n: {
        'heIL': {
          serviceName: 'פוסטים',
          serviceNameMany: 'פוסטים',
          serviceNameOne: 'פוסט',
          fields: {
            '_id': 'מזהה',
            'updatedAt': 'תאריך עדכון',
            'createdAt': 'נוצר בתאריך',

6. Protect posts.hooks

const {hooks} = require('feathers-mongoose-casl');
const {authenticate, validateAbilities, validateSchema, sanitizedData, } = hooks;

module.exports = {
  before: {
    all: [authenticate, validateAbilities],
    find: [],
    get: [],
    create: [validateSchema],
    update: [validateSchema],
    patch: [validateSchema],
    remove: []

  after: {
    all: [sanitizedData],
    find: [],
    get: [],
    create: [],
    update: [],
    patch: [],
    remove: []

  error: {
    all: [],
    find: [],
    get: [],
    create: [],
    update: [],
    patch: [],
    remove: []

  • hook.authenticate This is wrapper of @feathersjs/authentication - Feathers local, token, and OAuth authentication over REST and Websockets using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) with PassportJS.

  • hooks.validateAbilities This is a wrapper of Casl, in this hook, we will define abilities and block client without the ability to run this request Casl will add to mongoose query object a relevant key value before making the request, and validate Abilities will remove fields from user request by id abilities

  • hooks.validateSchema This hook will use JOI to validate request data follow the scheme

  • hooks.sanitizedData This hook will remove data from response follow the user abilities

7. Commit changes

git add .
git commit -m "Added joi validtors to posts serives"

Last updated

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